
Maximize the Business Results of Your Training Initiatives

This intensive, interactive course is based on the Kirkpatrick Four Level methodology for training evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Results. Participants will thoroughly explore the Kirkpatrick Four Levels and methodology, delve into the reasons why evaluation is critical to training success, and hear case studies and success stories from companies that have used the model effectively. Course Objectives: After this course, you will be able to: • Objectively determine where to allocate training resources to create the most business impact. • Create an effective program evaluation plan that maximizes business results and minimizes resources employed. • Define the critical difference between effective training and training effectiveness. • Evaluate programs using appropriate Kirkpatrick Four Level tools. The Kirkpatrick Four Level online course starts on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, and runs each successive Wednesday through October 6, 2010. Participants can elect to participate in the first three segments of the program to receive the Kirkpatrick Four Level Evaluation certificate, or to participate in all five segments and be eligible to receive the Kirkpatrick Four Level Evaluation Certification.  for more information and to register online.