
AGC Efforts May Delay OSHA Bill

This week it was expected that the AGC-opposed Miner Safety and Health Act would be on the House floor for a vote.   Thanks to AGC's efforts Washington, D.C., and from grassroots contacts nationwide, as of Thursday this bill has not been considered and it is now unlikely that it will be considered before September.  More than 1,200 AGC letters were sent to Capitol Hill explaining the dedication of AGC members to safety and outlining the concerns posed by this bill. The Miner Safety and Health Act would make significant changes to both MSHA and OSHA. AGC is a strong advocate of worker safety but is concerned about the direction of the bill. The legislation turns the clock back on well over 10 years of progress in improved workplace safety, which has lead to a nearly 50 percent reduction in the construction fatality rate, by creating a more adversarial relationship between employers and OSHA. The bill does not help facilitate worker safety on a site or help businesses, especially small businesses, improve their worksite safety. Instead, the House proposal focuses on punitive measures, such as vague new standards for criminal liability, and imposes complicated and costly procedures for adjudicating whistleblower cases. This approach fails to take into account the construction industry's successful accident prevention strategies that have resulted in reducing workplace injury, illness and fatality rates through the successful efforts of business and government working together. AGC is worried that this legislation will hamper continued construction industry safety improvements through increased litigation and discouragement of cooperative relationships. With the House leaving on Friday for their district work period, consideration of this bill is pushed back until at least September. The Senate has not yet focused on this bill and is likely to take a more deliberative (much slower) approach.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to send letters. Please take advantage of your Members of Congress being home during August to let them know your thoughts on this legislation.  In addition, click to send a letter to your Representative and Senators about your concerns with this legislation.