
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Calls for Construction Recovery Measures and Regulatory Moratorium at America Speaking Out Event

AGC's CEO Stephen Sandherr participated in an America Speaking Out event on July 16, hosted by Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio), America Speaking Out Job Creation Policy Director Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.), and with Representative Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), and called for a one to two year moratorium on new federal regulations to give businesses "breathing room." Rep. Boehner, the House Republican leader, later used Sandherr's suggestion in his statement following the forum: "I think having a moratorium on new federal regulations is a great idea.  It sends a wonderful signal to the private sector that they're going to have some breathing room. I think there's probably a way to do this with an exemption for emergency regulations that may be needed for some particular agency.  But if the American people knew there was going to be a moratorium in effect for a year that the federal government wasn't going to issue thousands more regulations, it would give them some breathing room. Sandherr also noted that private investment finances 70 percent of construction projects, and that the Bush tax cuts should remain in place to ensure available capital. He added that infrastructure investment needs to be a national priority so that free trade is not restricted by transportation delays. Watch the event (Sandherr's remarks begin at 26:58). Take action now by visiting and .  Once you respond to the confirmation email, login and click on American Prosperity. Under Topics, choose Infrastructure, and vote for the best ideas to support construction. Don't forget to vote against the worst ideas. For more information, contact Brian Turmail at (703) 837-5310 or