
AGC Survey Shows Traffic Congestion Costs Firms an Estimated $23 Billion Yearly

Traffic congestion and the delays it causes are costing the nation's construction firms an estimated $23 billion each year, according to a new analysis released Thursday by AGC.  During a media event in Minneapolis, AGC warned there is no relief in sight as Congress is months late in passing six-year federal transportation legislation, prompting more pain for the hard-hit construction industry.
Caterpillar Global Paving's Jim McReynolds leads Steve Sandherr, and AGC of Minnesota's Dave Semerad on a media tour of his factory." width="300" height="153" />

Caterpillar Global Paving's Jim McReynolds leads Steve Sandherr and AGC of Minnesota's Dave Semerad on a media tour of his factory.

The new analysis was based on responses from nearly 1,200 AGC member construction firms.  A staggering 93 percent of firms reported that traffic and congestion were affecting their operations.  Meanwhile, nearly two-thirds of firms lose at least one day of productivity per worker per year due to traffic congestion, equaling 3.7 million days of lost productivity industry-wide each year. Read the full press release, as well as survey data, . The news was covered by the and the (start at 5:27), as well as the , and . [FLOWPLAYER=,640,385]

For more information, contact Nahee Rosso at (703) 837-5348 or