
Consequential Elections Ahead, Get Out the Vote!

As AGC prepares for the upcoming November election, the answer as to which party will take the Congressional majority is still a mystery.  Regardless of which party wins the majority in November, the 2010 election cycle has already proven that significant changes are ahead. Last week, following the anti-incumbent movement, Utah Republican Convention attendees denied three-term Senator Bob Bennett (R) a place on the ballot as the party's nominee for Senate .  Earlier this week, West Virginia Rep. Allan Mollohan (D) became the first House incumbent to lose a primary.  A special election will be held in Pennsylvania next week to decide a replacement for the late Rep. John Murtha.  Senator Arlen Specter (D) faces a tough primary challenger in Rep. Joe Sestak (D).  The polls say the race is still too close to call.  In addition to Specter's competitive primary election, Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) faces strong competition as Lt. Governor Bill Halter (D) continues to poll a close second to Lincoln.  Both the Arkansas and Pennsylvania primaries will be held next Tuesday along with Oregon's and Kentucky's. Log on to for more election information to prepare for the November election, just 173 days away.