
President Obama Issues Memo Concerning Noncompliant Recovery Act Recipients

On April 6, 2009 President Obama issued a new  calling for federal agencies to further intensify their efforts to improved reporting compliance by prime recipients of Recovery Act funds. The memo directs those agencies to take appropriate action by terminating awards; pursuing measures such as suspension and debarment; reclaiming funds; and considering, initiating, and implementing punitive actions. The Recovery Act requires contractors, grantees and loan recipients to submit to  quarterly information on how they are spending the funds. During the most recent quarter -- the final three months of 2009 -- more than 1,000 recipients failed to file the reports. More than 300 of those recipients made the board's  for also neglecting to file during the initial reporting cycle last October. According to the memo, OMB Director Peter Orszag will, within the next 30 days, review and update the administration's Recovery Act reporting guidance to include additional agency actions and oversight strategies. The current reporting period began on April 1 and ends April 10. Recipients will have until April 29 to make corrections to their reports. The third batch of recipient data will be published on  on April 30.