
Action Needed: Oppose the Recess Appointment of Pro-Card Check Nominee to National Labor Relations Board

The White House is strongly considering using the upcoming Congressional Recess to appoint attorney Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), despite the fact that the Senate has already refused to confirm the nomination of Becker to a five-year term on the Board, effectively blocking his confirmation. A recess appointment is a way for the president to do an end run around Congress. If the recess appointment is made, it would last until the end of this year. Read more on Becker . AGC opposed the nomination of Mr. Becker to the NLRB because of his controversial positions on labor law.   AGC joined other associations on a outlining our opposition to a recess appointment.  In addition, all Senate Republicans sent a asking him not to use the upcoming two-week break to make this recess appointment.  Please use the to contact the White House and your Senator to inform them of your opposition to the recess appointment of Craig Becker.