
President Pushes for Vote on Health Care, ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Calls for Employer-Friendly Reforms

As President Obama and Democratic Leaders regroup from the White House summit on Health Care Reform, they have begun plotting a strategy and timeline for passage. It appears that the Democrats are considering moving the legislation at an accelerated pace, perhaps beginning as early as this week. In order to accomplish this aggressive timeline, they likely will have to pass the Senate bill and also utilize the politically toxic legislative process known as reconciliation. Meanwhile, AGC is part of a coalition that is urging Congress to rethink its current approach to health care reform. The outcome of the process and final legislative package remains unknown at this time and some Democrats who initially opposed the legislation are being strongly urged to reconsider their vote by the Democratic leadership in order to ensure they have enough votes for passage in the House. AGC has considerable concerns with both the process being utilized to enact this sweeping reform of the nation's health care system, as well as the policies in the bills. AGC has long advocated for health care reform that allows employers to provide affordable and quality coverage for their employees, but the current bills and policy changes being trumpeted by Democratic leaders fail to accomplish these goals.  In addition, AGC and other business groups are launching an advertising campaign that pushes for employer-friendly health care reforms. [FLOWPLAYER=,600,450] In addition to concerns with rising taxes on individuals and employers, future projected increases on insurance premiums and mandates on employers, AGC remains opposed to singling out the construction industry. The original Senate bill excluded small employers in the construction industry from the small business exemption. While the outline released from the White House last week does not mention this provision, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has not voiced his opposition to it. Please communicate with your members of Congress on health care reform and specifically on the construction industry employer provision by using the . For more information, contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or