
AGC Attends National Infrastructure Bank Event

Left to right: AGC's Marco Giamberardino, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Long Island Contractors Association executive director Marc Herbst, and Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.).

On January 21, a broad coalition of members of Congress, industry experts, and stakeholders called on Congress and the Obama Administration to create a National Infrastructure Bank to help fund infrastructure projects of regional and national importance.  AGC attended the event and stressed that the infrastructure bank concept must be part of a larger comprehensive approach to tackling infrastructure investment, including robust multi-year funding and significant regulatory reforms. It must also be created separate and apart from jobs legislation currently being drafted in the Senate. The proposed National Infrastructure Bank would be designed to help improve the nation's roads and highways, bridges, ports, rail (freight and passenger), drinking and waste water treatment plants, smart grid, broadband and schools. AGC believes that an infrastructure bank should be capitalized with general fund revenue to assist individual or groups of states with financing, particularly for mega projects. Infrastructure bank financing should be available as low interest loans to help states finance projects or to assist in leveraging private funds. For more information, contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or