
Indianapolis to Host the Construction Project Manager Course

In the competitive construction industry, the need to work more efficiently has never been greater. The ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Construction Project Manager Course (PMC) provides project managers the chance to hone the skills necessary to work more resourcefully, increase productivity and propel their construction expertise. PMC participants experience an interactive program that explores the critical areas of project management that seasoned project managers tackle on a daily basis. The course's curriculum builds on itself throughout the week, starting with the impact planning has on the overall project and moving on to cover scheduling, productivity and subcontractor/vendor management, as well as legal issues and contract clauses, recordkeeping and much more. Case studies, group activities, roundtable discussions, personal assessment tools and night assignments are used to encourage peer-to-peer learning. Participants will gain significant insights and new tactics from each other. Participants can earn up to 40 hours of continuing education credit. PMC will take place at the University Place Conference Center & Hotel in Indianapolis, Ind. from February 21-26, 2010. Deadline for registering is February 1, 2010.  to learn more, register or see other 2010 Project Manager Course dates.  For questions or inquiries, contact Carrie Harper at