
TCC Calls For Reauthorization Now

The ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) continues efforts to urge Congress to work towards enactment of a multi-year transportation bill with significantly increased funding to address the nation's long term and immediate economic problems. The TCC last week released a national survey of transportation contractors that reinforced the many challenges facing the U.S. transportation construction industry and the need for increased federal investment. TCC member organizations are now working on getting state business groups to sign onto a letter that will go to each state's Congressional delegation urging enactment of a well-funded, long-term bill. In addition, a phone-in day is being organized to continue to keep the pressure on the Congress. News of the survey was covered by , and the , to name a few.  AGC of North Dakota's executive vice president, Russ Hanson, discussed the results on the . For more information, contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or