
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Pushes for Increased Transportation Funding in Jobs Package

With construction unemployment at more than 18 percent, AGC has aggressively lobbied for increased infrastructure funding and policy provisions to stimulate demand for private- and public-sector construction. In , AGC's Jeff Shoaf, senior executive director for government affairs, said that more money for the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Program (TIGER) is needed, since there was $57 billion worth of requests and only $1.5 billion available from the stimulus plan. In addition, AGC is meeting with Congressional leaders to push for increased water infrastructure investment, increased use of tax cuts to incentivize private building construction, and discuss the delay in programmatic changes that held up some funding under the Recovery Act earlier this year. For more information, contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or