
Health Care Debate Follows Congress Home

Despite Congress leaving Washington, D.C., until September, the debate and furor over health care reform legislation has followed them home. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle continue to hear from constituentS in support and opposition to the current health care reform legislation. While the vocal opposition at recent town hall meetings has centered around end-of-life care and the creation of a public option, AGC remains concerned with provisions in the current House proposal relating to financing and employer mandates. Although the three House committees of jurisdiction passed their respective portions of the bill, it could still change before the bill is debated on the House floor. Senate Finance Committee members continue to actively look toward finding a bipartisan solution. The Committee is expected to release some legislation in September. Although it appears that President Obama's goal of signing a bill by October may pass, Democratic leaders remain committed to passing an overhaul bill this year with or without bipartisan support. AGC continues to encourage members to use the to voice their opposition to the America's Affordable Health Choices Act.