
"So-Called" Employee Free Choice Act Still Alive

Supporters of the "so-called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) continue efforts to seek some sort of compromise in the Senate to move this legislation closer to the goal line.  However, news reports this week indicate that another key Senator in this debate has moved back from efforts to push the bill forward. Senator Feinstein (D-Calif.) told a business delegation from California that it was not the right time for this bill due to the current economic times. Supporters of the bill would need all Democratic members to support the bill to pass it. Presumptive Democratic Senator from Minnesota Al Franken has not been seated due to legal challenges, Senator Kennedy has not voted in a few months and Senators Feinstein and Lincoln (D-Ark.) have made public statements about not supporting the bill.  AGC remains active in our opposition to the bill and to efforts to find a compromise based on EFCA. Please continue to let your views be known to your Members of Congress by using the