
How to Get Owners to Use ConsensusDOCS Contract Documents

In response to inquiries we received regarding how to get construction project owners to use ConsensusDOCS standard contract documents, we developed the "Top Ten Reasons Owners Should Use ConsensusDOCS" brochure.  Please feel free to distribute this electronic brochure to all owners with whom you work and to others as you deem appropriate. Top Ten Reasons Owners Should Use ConsensusDOCS Contract Documents For Their Next Project!
  • 1. Owners Sit in the Driver's Seat
  • 2. Save Transactional Costs and Time
  • 3. Attract the Best Contractors and Get the Best Pricing
  • 4. Better Project Results
  • 5. A Balanced Contract Gives Owners a Greater Role
  • 6. Prevent, Mitigate and Resolve Disputes and Claims
  • 7. Establish Positive Working Relationships and Direct Communications
  • 8. Utilize Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Electronic Communications
  • 9. IPD Agreement Takes Collaboration to a Higher Level
  • 10. A Balanced Approach to Liability Exposures
For more details and a copy of the complete electronic brochure, please . For more information, please contact Carrie Ciliberto at 703-837-5367 or