
"So-Called" Employee Free Choice Act May Be Introduced Next Week; AGC Encourages Members to Speak Out Against the Legislation

It is widely expected that supporters of the "so-called" Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) will seek to introduce this legislation next week. This bill would deprive millions of employees the right to a private vote when deciding whether or not to unionize. It would hurt construction workers and make it very difficult for small construction companies to grow, hire or succeed. This legislation would also lead to federally mandated employment terms for construction firms. Though most of the focus of this bill has been the impact on open shop employers and their employees, EFCA is also likely to have a negative effect on union contractors and their 8(f) "pre-hire agreements." Please go to to learn more about the impact of EFCA on union contractors. AGC strongly opposes this legislation. AGC members have sent over 4,000 letters to legislators over the last few weeks to speak out against EFCA Please continue to use AGC's Legislative Action Center to write and let your Members of Congress know your opposition to EFCA. The Senators in Colorado, Louisiana, Arkansas, Virginia, Nebraska and North Carolina are considered key in stopping EFCA from moving forward, but all Members of Congress need to hear from you. It is important to stress to your Senators that it is not enough just to oppose the bill, but to oppose any procedural votes on EFCA.