
Webinar for Apprenticeship Grant Applicants

On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) will host a Webinar for anyone interesting in applying for a grant under its Advancing Registered Apprenticeship into the 21st Century program. The Webinar will focus on providing prospective applicants with guidance on the requirements for submission of applications, including: eligibility information, required elements of proposals to include plans for creating new, or modifying existing apprenticeship program standards, use of strategic partnerships to promote registered apprenticeship, and the adoption of technology-based learning strategies. As previously announced, the DOL expects to award $6.5 million in grants to national industry associations, national employer associations, national labor-management organizations, and other organizations that demonstrate the capacity to advance registered apprenticeship through the revision of program standard; expansion into high-growth industries; the use of interim credentialing; the adoption of technology-based learning; and strategic partnerships with the Office of Apprenticeship, the public workforce system, educational institutions, and other key stakeholders. The Webinar will be held from 3PM to 4:30PM Eastern time on Wednesday, March 4, 2009. Registration is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please to login to Workforce3 One and register. a link to an online application may be found .