
AGC Members' Effort to Discourage Cosponsorship of "Card Check" is Working; Please Continue to Act

Supporters of the (so-called) Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) remain short of their goal of original cosponsors thanks to AGC members voicing their concerns. AGC opposes the Employee Free Choice Act and urges AGC members to discourage cosponsorship. EFCA would take away a worker's right to a federally supervised private ballot election when deciding whether or not to select union representation. It also imposes unrealistically short deadlines for labor-management negotiations over a first contract before mandating third-party mediation and binding arbitration. AGC supports the status quo, which allows both card-check recognition and secret-ballot elections to establish union representation and remains the most fair and reliable way to determine the desire of employees to be represented by a union. Please reach out to your Members of Congress to urge them not to co-sponsor or support the bill. Make your voice heard on this issue by using . Contact your congressional delegation today and urge them not to co-sponsor or support the (so-called) Employee Free Choice Act.