
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Pushing for Building Infrastructure as Part of Economic Stimulus

AGC of America continues to aggressively advocate for contractors and ensure that Congress and the President-elect are fully aware of the benefits of a strong infrastructure component in any economic stimulus.  It is clear that investments in infrastructure lead to increases in construction employment and improvements to our nation's building, transportation, and water infrastructure network.  AGC of America has been very active in being the voice for building contractors and supporting building infrastructure projects and tax incentives as part of an economic stimulus. New Building Infrastructure Coalition: AGC invited several specialty contractor groups and the American Institute of Architects to a meeting on December 18 to discuss how to ensure that building projects are including in the economic stimulus efforts currently under discussion.  The result of the meeting was a new AGC-led coalition that will push for funding to modernize aging and inefficient public buildings and tax incentives to stimulate new private-sector building projects.  The coalition will be communicating with Congress and the incoming Administration specifically on including funding for building construction and related tax incentives in a stimulus package.  Please contact Mike Stark at with questions. "We Are Ready" Campaign: AGC has launched a new national campaign called "We Are Ready" in an effort to ensure that Congress and the President-elect understand the vital need for investing in all components of infrastructure as part of the pending stimulus package.  An AGC advertisement placed in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call highlighted the need for new investments in schools, public buildings, water and wastewater, and transportation projects.  Please go to and sign up to be a part of this campaign.  Also, encourage your colleagues, employees, subcontractors, and suppliers to join the campaign.  The more support we can generate, the stronger case that can be made to Congress and the President-elect on infrastructure investment in the stimulus.      State-by-State and National Economic Data: During a press conference in Ohio on December 17, AGC released new economic data that shows that personal earnings will increase by $1.1 billion and the national gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by $3.4 billion for every billion dollars invested in new infrastructure projects.  The data also shows that for every billion invested in building projects, such as education, health and airport facilities, as well as highway, water, and energy projects, more than 28,500 jobs will be created or saved nationwide.  The data clearly shows the economic benefits of infrastructure stimulus investments.  Please go to and take a look at the state-by-state and national data.