
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Continues to Push Infrastructure Investment in Stimulus Package

AGC is continuing its efforts to inform Congress and the Obama transition team about the significant downturn in the non-residential construction market, the resulting unemployment and the industry’s  capacity to carry out the projects that would result from a boost in federal infrastructure funding. AGC also sent a letter to Members of Congress with specific details about the state of the economy and how infrastructure investment will provide an immediate and lasting impact on our economy. AGC has highlighted the needed investment for public buildings, roads, bridges, transit, schools, flood protection, ports and harbors, and waste water and drinking water infrastructure projects. President-elect Obama on December 6 called for a massive effort to make public buildings more energy-efficient, called for the largest investment in roads and bridges since President Dwight D. Eisenhower built the Interstate system in the late 1950s. He added that he will launch a sweeping effort to modernize and upgrade school buildings. He also called for investment in expanding broadband capacity to connect libraries, schools and hospitals to the internet. AGC has been successful in coordinating information from various groups about projects that are ready to go.  These projects will spur economic development and help cultivate support among key Congressional decision-makers. Several public groups have released survey results over the past week indicating that there are many infrastructure projects that are ready to go out for construction immediately if necessary funding were provided. The American Association of State and Highway Officials (AASHTO) said last Friday that its survey of state transportation departments shows states could put more than 5,000 transportation projects worth $64 billion under contract within 180 days of receiving funding. The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reported earlier this year there are 559 transit projects totaling $8 billion ready to begin if funding is made available. In addition, the National Governors Association said states have identified $136 billion worth of road, bridge, water and other projects and the U.S. Conference of Mayors released a report saying it has identified 11,391 infrastructure projects in 427 cities, including school modernization, airports and energy conservation, requiring a $73 billion investment. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) has met with Speaker Pelosi to indicate his intention to push for $45 billion of infrastructure funding in the stimulus package as follows: $18.2 billion for highways and bridges; $6.5 billion for transit; $9 billion for environmental infrastructure such as water projects; $5 billion for Corps of Engineers; $2.5 billion for federal building efficiency; $2 billion for rail; $1 billion for aviation; $420 million for Coast Guard; and $275 million for brownfield cleanup.  AGC is working with Committee leaders to increase this funding and identified funding for GSA's building program.