
Election Outcomes Not Finalized; ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Continues to Support Senate Candidates

Two weeks after the election, two Senate races remain undecided.  In Minnesota, AGC-backed Senator Norm Coleman (R) and Democratic satirist Al Franken are separated by less than 250 votes. By Minnesota state law, a recount has been ordered and final results may not be known until the end of the year.  In Georgia, AGC-backed Senator Saxby Chambliss (R) received the most votes but fell short of the 50% threshold necessary to avoid a run-off against Jim Martin (D). A special election is scheduled for December 2. ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ PAC supported both Coleman (R) and Chambliss (R) with the maximum level of support during the election cycle and has continued to support them during the recount and run-off respectively.  To learn more about these construction-friendly candidates and make contributions, visit . Democrats now enjoy a 58-40 majority after Mark Begich (D) was declared the winner this week in Alaska against seven-term incumbent Ted Stevens (R), bringing the Democrats closer to the 60-vote, filibuster proof majority. The races in Minnesota and Georgia remain the only undecided Senate seats.