
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Continues to Push for Infrastructure Funds in Economic Stimulus

Although Congress has spent the past several days of the lame duck session considering a rescue package for the automotive industry, there is continued discussion about enacting an economic stimulus package with substantial investment in infrastructure as early as January 2009. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) have both expressed a desire to pass a stimulus package. President-elect Barack Obama said he supports a stimulus measure with substantial funding for infrastructure and that if one is not passed before Congress adjourns, it would be the first issue he tackles after his inauguration. AGC will continue to press Members of Congress in Washington to enact an economic recovery package with infrastructure investment as soon as possible to prevent further job losses in the industry and to create additional job opportunities for contractors and their workers. Construction has always been an engine of economic stimulus and can play that role once again. It is important for you to use the tools on AGC’s to contact your congressional delegation and urge them to support infrastructure investment in an economic recovery package. It is critical to continue educating your Members of Congress in the coming weeks about the important economic contributions offered by the construction industry. New and returning members of the 111th Congress need the benefit of your expertise to be fully educated on issues directly affecting the construction industry.