
Student Chapter Member Benefits

AGC student chapters are very involved on campus, in the community and industry. In addition, ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Chapters may provide a host of collaborative activities designed to enhance the student's learning experience.

  • Opportunities to meet and work with AGC member contractors (potential future employers);
  • Closer contact with construction faculty;
  • Access to staff from the sponsoring ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Chapter(s);
  • Opportunities to tour local construction projects;
  • Notice of all scholarships sponsored by the AGC Education & Research Foundation;
  • Networking opportunities with other students of similar interest and career goals;
  • Special registration fees for the AGC Annual Convention;
  • A special AGC student chapter meeting AGC's Annual Convention;
  • Ability to participate in the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Construction Leadership’s LinkedIn group; and
  • An opportunity to impact the community and gain recognition for those efforts through the AGC Outstanding Student Chapter Contest.

Typical Student Chapter Activities

On Campus:

  • Representation on campus committees and councils
  • Campus service projects
  • Conducting career day fairs
  • Participation in intramural sports
  • Campus construction projects

With Local Chapters:

  • Chapter meetings with special presentations and guest speakers
  • Field trips to construction projects and site tours
  • Sponsoring seminars related to construction
  • Participation in AGC chapter activities
  • Organization of student employment program
  • Social and networking activities
  • Attendance at AGC's Annual Convention

In the Community:

  • Community service projects - design and execution
  • Work for local charitable organizations
  • Recreation and park projects
  • Environmental clean-up programs
  • Children's projects such as playgrounds and day care centers
  • Historical property repairs and clean-up
  • Blood drive sponsor
  • Teaching classes for junior achievement
  • Habitat For Humanity

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