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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Following AGC and our transportation and construction industry allies spending the last several weeks educating Members of Congress on the impact that failure to pass an extension would have on state DOTs and the construction industry, the House and the Senate each passed H.R. 662, extending … Read More
March 5, 2011
On Wednesday, March 2, President Obama signed a stopgap funding bill into law that will keep the government running until March 18.  Although the House and Senate managed to set aside differences to prevent a government shutdown next week, there are currently major discrepancies between funding… Read More
March 5, 2011
The construction industry added 33,000 jobs in February even as the industry’s unemployment rate was 21.8 percent, more than twice the national average, according to an analysis of new federal employment data released Friday by the Associated General Contractors of America. As welcome as the new… Read More
March 4, 2011
Following a day of intrigue concerning several different Senators threatening to prevent the bill from moving forward, the Senate by voice vote approved HR 662, legislation extending highway and transit program authorization until September 30, 2011 the end of federal fiscal year 2011. The bill… Read More
March 4, 2011
AGC signed onto comments submitted by the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) in opposition to the National Labor Relations Board’s proposed rule requiring employers to post notices informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).  AGC is a member of CDW’s … Read More
March 4, 2011
Facing a government shutdown on March 4, President Obama signed a continuing resolution that will fund the government through March 18.  The continuing resolution, which originated in the House of Representatives and was reluctantly accepted by Senate Democrats, continues to fund all discretionary… Read More
March 4, 2011
The National Quality Initiative (NQI) was inaugurated in November 1992 as a unique partnership designed to focus attention and energy on continuous improvement in the quality of highway in the United States. The NQI later grew into the National Partnership for Highway Quality (NPHQ) but its mission… Read More
March 4, 2011
By a vote of 421 to 4, the House of Representatives yesterday passed H.R. 662, extending federal surface transportation program funding through the end of the federal fiscal year 2011 which ends on September 30, 2011. The highway and transit programs are currently operating under the sixth … Read More
March 3, 2011
By Michael E. Kuritz Everyone wants a competitive advantage. Be it the safest record, the fastest crew, or the least amount of rework there is always a race in construction to be the best. In the race for your company to be smarter, stronger, and faster everyone within the company must also be… Read More
March 3, 2011
Associated General Contractors Chief Economist Ken Simonson, American Institute of Architects Chief Economist Kermit Baker, and Reed Construction Data Chief Economist Jim Haughey discussed "Construction: Time to Spring Forward?" in a webinar on March 3. The economic experts examined the current… Read More
March 3, 2011