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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Current subscribers won't want to miss out on the free ConsensusDOCS upgrade featuring 11 new standard construction contract documents, including a Federal Subcontract and Subsubcontract.  In direct response to customer feedback, the new release also incorporates a software feature allowing users… Read More
August 19, 2009
AGC has identified 61 separate programs funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and broken down various building sector-related opportunities, totaling $26.9 billion, here.  AGC's chief economist Ken Simonson contributes to an in-depth discussion of the breakdown of building-… Read More
August 19, 2009
The amount of construction work funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, popularly called the stimulus legislation) varies greatly by state and program. Two weeks ago, I spoke on successive days to state transportation officials in Colorado, New Mexico and Maine. They said they… Read More
August 18, 2009
On July 15, Deutsche Bank's CMBS Research team published a follow-up to their previous report "The Future Refinancing Crisis in Commercial Real Estate," originally published April 23, 2009.  The analysis explores the magnitude of potential refinancing problems faced by the commercial real estate… Read More
August 18, 2009
AGC has compiled tables of PPIs for construction materials and segments as well as analysis. The data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report and covers over 50 construction specific data series.
August 18, 2009
A recent article in Engineering News-Record, Mississippi Insurance Case Could Reshape Contractor Policies, outlined a Mississippi Supreme Court Case whose outcome could affect contractors nationwide. In the article, AGC's Mike Kennedy is quoted: "The question this case presents is whether a… Read More
August 18, 2009
AGC urged the Environmental Protection Agency to decline California's request for a waiver to the Clean Air Act, a move that would hurt the already-devastated industry by forcing them to retrofit or replace billions of dollars in equipment. A study conducted by AGC shows that 32 states are poised… Read More
August 17, 2009
AGC recently released the results of a survey that measured the impact of stimulus funds on construction companies' ability to expand payrolls.  The survey found that stimulus construction funds have had little impact to date on companies' ability to hire new employees, but have helped companies… Read More
August 17, 2009
For the first time in over 35 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed changes to the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).  NAAQS define the maximum allowable level of pollutants and drive state air pollution cleanup programs.  EPA has… Read More
August 17, 2009
AGC of Kentucky and Constructors Association of Western Pennsylvania won $2 million and $925,000 respectively in federal grants under EPA's National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program, plus collected more than $725,000 in matching and in-kind contributions. Both Chapters will use the funds to… Read More
August 17, 2009