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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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President Obama met today with several governors and mayors to highlight a new report prepared by the Treasury Department and the Council of Economic Advisers which looked at infrastructure spending in the United States and its impact on the economy.   The report, available here, offers four… Read More
October 11, 2010
Construction employment fell by 21,000 (0.4%), seasonally adjusted, in September to 5,604,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported on Friday. The industry has added only 19,000 jobs on net since reaching a low in February, whereas the overall private sector has added jobs for nine… Read More
October 11, 2010
AGC's 9th Annual HR Professionals Conference and 4th Annual Training & Development (T&D) Conference will take place October 18-20, 2010, at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz.  Training, development and human resource professionals will gather to network and earn… Read More
October 11, 2010
AGC responded to a new report from the Treasury Department detailing underinvestment in transportation, noting that failure to repair aging roads and bridges and expand transportation capacity is costing tens of thousands of jobs. Read AGC's full statement here. For more information, contact… Read More
October 11, 2010
AGC and the staff of the California Air Resources Board have reached an agreement on proposed changes to the state's off-road diesel rule designed to give the local construction industry time to recover from the recession while protecting air quality. As part of the agreement, CARB will delay… Read More
October 8, 2010
CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT NEAR 14-YEAR LOW AS 21,000 INDUSTRY JOBS LOST IN SEPTEMBER, UNEMPLOYMENT RATE CLIMBS TO 17.2 PERCENT Construction Industry Unemployment At Highest September Rate Ever Recorded as Sector Suffers from Private, State and Local Funding Declines and Unclear Federal Funding Plans… Read More
October 8, 2010
The number of people working in construction is approaching a 14-year low now that the industry lost 21,000 jobs in September, while construction unemployment is at a September high of 17.2 percent, according to an analysis of federal employment figures released today by AGC. The… Read More
October 8, 2010
AGC and the staff of the California Air Resources Board have reached an agreement on proposed changes to the state's off-road diesel rule designed to give the local construction industry time to recover from the recession while protecting air quality. As part of the agreement, CARB will delay… Read More
October 7, 2010
AGC and the staff of the California Air Resources Board have reached an agreement on proposed changes to the state's off-road diesel rule designed to give the local construction industry time to recover from the recession while protecting air quality. As part of the agreement, CARB will delay… Read More
October 7, 2010
Early voting for the November 2 mid-term election is now underway in a number of states.  News reports indicate that the number of voters who cast early ballots in this year's primary elections increased 50 percent over the 2006 midterm, a trend that is reshaping political campaigns across the… Read More
October 7, 2010